Google Summer of Code 2008: I have been accepted!

I am excited.

The goal is provide a linq binding for sqlite in a maintainable/scalable way, a suit of tests and enough documentation for understand the work in the future.

Linq project includes O/R mapper capabilities in a similar way that Hibernate or NHibernate does (though are some substantial differences) so like any O/R mapper there are a internal and generic core for dealing with databases and specific logic for each database engine(usually known as binding, provider or controller): postgreesql, mysql, oracle, ms sqlserver. My GSoC objective is do implement that specific functionality for the Sqlite database engine to the Mono Project‘s Linq implementation .

Those of you that don’t know what is linq have to know that is a project for the .NET platform that include O/R mapper capabilities and extends some syntactic features in C# and Visual Basic programming that bring near that languages to the functional and declarative programming (lambda expressions, query expressions, extensions methods, query protections into anonymous struts… and others cool features specially in static typed programming languages)

The start point DBLinq. They that want know what’s that, go to:

Also congratulations to Christian López Espinola and Rafael Vargas also accepted in GSoC 2008 in ArgoUML project and Minix respectively. They are good friends and job partners, congratulations again!


One Response to Google Summer of Code 2008: I have been accepted!

  1. Luis says:

    Pablo ¡tío bueno! ¡macizo! GSOC + Linq + Mono… anda que vas a echar de menos Doñana.

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